
The Big Reveal.... BOY or GIRL???

B and the kids came to my 20 week sonogram on Thursday.  This was the moment my Princess has been waiting and praying for. 

So... now let's have a little fun!  

Here's some info on the cravings, aversions, and symptoms I experienced with my first 3 pregnancies.  See if you can guess whether Mystery Baby is a boy or girl. :)

Symptoms:  Migraine, Severe nausea, fatigue, violent mood swings, vomiting, sore ta-tas
Cravings:  Fruits, veggies, ice, tuna, hot dogs, fun-yuns
Aversions:  Bacon, pizza, cheese

Symptoms:  Severe nausea, fatigue, vomiting, super fast hair and nail growth
Cravings:  Red meat, seafood, salads, ice
Aversions:  Dairy

Symptoms:  Nausea, fatigue, super fast hair/nail growth, sore ta-tas, violent mood swings
Cravings:  Seafood (especially crab), beef, avocado, pears, peaches
Aversions:  Dairy

Symptoms:  Severe nausea, vomiting, hair loss, sore ta-tas, mood swings
Cravings:  Salads, peaches, ice cream, yogurt, watermelon, sushi
Aversions:  Bacon, chicken, pizza

So, what are we having?  Vote here:

What's your guess---boy or girl?

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